"System is a DragonSpeak script that operates as an abstraction layer over PhoenixSpeak. It provides every player in the dream with 30 variables that can handle numbers or text. It takes over the task of loading and saving to PhoenixSpeak as well, shortening code significantly."
"Unlike Database, however, System is based purely on PhoenixSpeak, and thus it lacks the mass data manipulation capabilities of Database. Its storage capacity is also purely dependent upon the amount of available PhoenixSpeak memory that your dream currently has."
"System also automatically captures player data (such as Player Name, Amount of Cookies Held, Directional Position X,Y's) and dream data (such as current population, cookies in the bank, current time and date) into variables to help make your code shorter and more efficient."
"Currently, System does not come with a showcase dream or an user reference document of any sort, but the creation of them is within the realm of possibility, it will all depend on the amount of interest that there is from players."
"For most intents and purposes, Database is a preferable alternative to System because it is, quite frankly, easier to understand and easier to use. System is aimed, for the most part, at the more seasoned DragonSpeakers out there as a better alternative to simply using PhoenixSpeak."